Lean Thinking


Adaptive’s Lean Thinking 1 curriculum was designed, in part, by a former Toyota Engineering and Quality leader, with over a decade of experience operating within Toyota’s system. This 5-day (40 hour) course provides business leaders and Continuous Improvement (CI) practitioners with a true understanding how world-class (Lean) organizations, such as Toyota, achieve extraordinary results.

Specifically, you will learn about a Lean organization’s foundational principles and beliefs, their system and specifically how leadership is trained to think and operate, and some of the specific “tools” developed to enable a Lean organization to operate successfully. Additionally, you will learn a framework for accelerating your organization’s transformational efforts to a Lean-thinking organization, while avoiding common pitfalls, using the Lean Transformation Framework™. The class consists of both lecture and practical application of the methodology and tools, using extensive practical exercises and case study.

Learning Objectives:

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

  • Understand how you need to think and act, as a leader in a Lean-thinking organization.
  • Have the confidence and skills to develop and execute a Lean transformation strategy for your organization.
  • Understand why specific “Lean tools” were developed and how to practically apply them to your own organization, including but not limited to: Standard work, visual management, Kanban, 5S, Takt Time, Value Stream Mapping, Poka Yoke, Andon, Jidoka, Internal/External Set-up Reduction, and the 8 Forms of Waste.
  • Successfully plan and facilitate Kaizen events.

Certification Requirements:

Students who complete the class will receive a Lean Thinking certificate. Additionally, students desiring to receive an Adaptive Six Sigma Black Belt certification must also attend both the Six Sigma Green Belt and Advanced Six Sigma Principles, pass the associated tests, and complete the requisite projects.


All classes include training materials, test, completion certificate. Public classes include up to six hours of project mentoring, continental breakfast and lunch.  Please call us regarding pricing for this class.


Adaptive disclaimer: Regardless of “methodology”, maximum training benefit and ROI will not be realized without a defined strategy, an engaged leadership team, a culture centered around process improvement, and strong management and accountability system to help execute and sustain the changes.

Contact us to inquire about our discounts for individuals in transition, transitioning military, and corporate multi-class options.

Contact Us

Adaptive Business Solutions
522 S NW HWY
Barrington, IL 60010

inquiries at abstb.com